New Magic FIRE HOT BIBLE BOOK! An excellent gag item. The contents are so sizzling, that this book bursts into flames as you open it! A self-contained prop that looks like a genuine book - hard cover 8" x 5.5" size. This is a fire effect, to be used with caution, and not recommended for novices or beginners. PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT the battery ignition system version which costs double this price but a flint wheel striker version. Please note that the front cover says BIBLE - as pictured. Not for sale to minors. Performer picks up a book and reads out from it. Suddenly the book bursts into flames! This model is hardbound with a black cover, and a "BIBLE" title imprinted in silver. It is fitted with a firing mechanism, that uses liquid lighter fuel. It can be a useful prop, specially for performers of Gospel Magic at an appropriate occasion. The pages in this book are blank. Not for sale to minors .Not sold to minors. Adults only. Not responsible for product use or misuse. Perfect for clowns, magicians, comedians, actors, stage, characters, showoffs & MC's